Purple Coneflower Seeds Perennial Garden Balcony Hanging Beatiful Vegetable for Planting Giant Non GMO 100 Seeds
Product description
Purple coneflowers are quintessential prairie plants. They are hardy, drought-tolerant, and long-blooming, and they are being cultivated in an ever-widening range of colors. Purple coneflower, or Echinacea purpurea, is by far the most popular variety of coneflower. It has a fibrous root system, rather than the long taproot and woody crown found in other native species, and it is more adaptable to garden conditions and more forgiving of dividing and transplanting.
Coneflower’s daisy-like flower is actually made up of several small flowers. The petals are sterile and are there to lure insects toward the many fertile flowers in the central disk or cone. These flowers are rich in nectar and very popular with both bees and butterflies.
Instruction how to grow Purple coneflowers flowers:
Purple coneflowers are not fussy and will endure most conditions. However, give them rich, well-drained soil, and plenty of sunshine and plants will thrive. Generous amounts of organic compost or aged animal manure mixed into the ground prior to planting will vastly improve the health of plants. Coneflowers will tolerate heat and drought.
Echinacea is easy to grow from nursery stock, seed, or division. Sow outdoors 1/2 inch deep when a light frost is still possible. Seeds will germinate in 10-20 days. Flowers reliably bloom the first year from seed if sown early.
Pinch off spent flowers on a regular basis — or use them as cuttings in flower arrangements — to extend the blooming period. Apply a quality flower fertilizer several times during the gardening season to promote big, beautiful blossoms. Mulch to prevent weeds, conserve moisture and improve aesthetics.