Watermelon Yellow Seeds Rare Janosik Yanosik Vegetable for Planting Giant Non GMO 10 Seeds
Product description
Watermelon “Yanusik” – this is mid-grade variety.
The vegetation period from germination to technical ripeness is 75 to 90 days. Fruits are round and oval-round shape, green with light green stripes, weighing of 100-180 oz (3,5-5 kg).
The flesh is yellow in color, crisp, sweet, juicy, and flavorful with a small content of seeds.
The variety has resistance to bad weather conditions and diseases. Grown in the open field and in film shelters.
Instruction how to grow these seeds:
Try the seeds in the paper towel technique and it will grow. Watermelons need a long growing season (at least 80 days) and warm ground for seeds to germinate and grow. Soil should be 70 degrees F or warmer at planting time. Sow seeds 1 inch deep and keeps well watered until germination. To get a jumpstart in cooler climates, cover the planting area with black plastic to warm up the soil and start seeds indoors two or three weeks before they are to be set out in the garden. Don’t start seeds any earlier, because large watermelon seedlings transplant poorly. Plant 3 seeds in 3- or 4-inch peat pots or large cell packs, and thin to the best plant. Sow watermelon seeds 1/2 inch deep. Place in a sunny south-facing window or under lights to germinate.
Add a balanced fertilizer that is high in nitrogen. Sow 8 to 10 watermelon seeds in a hill, and push seeds 1 inch into the soil. Space hills 3 to 4 feet apart, with at least 8 feet between rows. Thin plants to the 3 best in each hill. Keep soil free of weeds by shallow hoeing or with a layer of mulch.
Watermelon plants have moderately deep roots, and watering is seldom necessary unless the weather turns dry for a prolonged period. When vines begin to ramble, side dress plants with half a cup of balanced fertilizer (5-10-5). The third application of fertilizer should be made when melons are set. Withhold water as melons start to mature to intensify sweetness.